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Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Walk and a Talk with Spirits

I drug my butt out of bed early yesterday and accomplished a task I had been putting off for some time. The task was to visit some family at the Warth Cemetery over by Decker. I had been putting this off ever since I returned, telling myself that those people ain’t going nowhere. Deep down inside my gut I know I was just afraid of the ghosts of my past.

Surprising the visit went well! A beautiful day for a drive and a walk through the country side. Not too warm. And I must admit, the fear I held dissipated as I sat and contemplated these graves. I came away with the idea that maybe those gone on knew the real score. Maybe they just did not know how to convey the message in an understandable and sane way.

While they alienated me with their messages (Or so I thought), the truth is that it was not the message but the delivery! I have realized after all these years that God only expects from us what we can handle. And some people are capable of handling more due to the circumstances in their lives. So they felt that total perfection was the only way, while God only expects perfection to what He asks each of us as an individual.

So dear Amanda, you and those that lay there with you, I might have been a disappointment to all of you all those years ago, I now know in my heart that is no longer true.

My redneck picture of the day was titled ‘Bonus Room’

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