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Monday, July 29, 2013

OK I have traveled the world and now have found myself back in the corner I started in (Bicknell, Indiana). Never thought I would return, but here I am. Hated this place back then and not so sure I’m happy with it today.

My disclaimer.
  1. Fist and most of all nothing in this blog is meant to represent anyone or anything real or actual. In other words it is fantasy, jest and whimsical thinking.
  2. Hence then and next of all, I am not liable for remarks found to be offensive just because the country you live in sees it that way.
  3. Did I mention the following? Nothing written here is factual or absolute. If you listen to this rambling, it’s your fault not mine. Or in other words, ‘Don’t try this at home.”
  4. If some soul comments on my comments, it’s all on them. It’s their words after all. And I am sure that they too would claim this disclaimer in their own rights.
  5. I’m the one writing this and it in no way represents the opinion of any person, organization or world power that I might be involved with.
  6. Did I mention that I am not liable for anything found here? It don’t matter what religion, ethnic background, sex, organization, fellowship, planet, or any other tag you use to describe yourself, this is NOT a cheap shot at you. (See number 1 above)
  7. I assume all graphics used here on these pages are public domain. If you have rights to them notify me and they will be removed at once.

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