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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Westphalia Bound

(Apologies to Jerry Reed and Dick Feller)

I recently had a chance to visit with the good folks from the Salem United Church of Christ in Westphalia. Had a marvelous time talking about the old days. For all the churches in Knox and Davies Counties, I think this congregation does one of the better jobs at outreach.

I then stopped and had a late breakfast at Country Charms Cafe. When I left I drove around a little and was amazed at how little I know about this little community in my own backyard
When I got home I did as my great-niece DeeDee always  recommends and Googled it. Guess what? Hardly a thing there about Westphalia.

What I did find was:

From Goodspeeds History of Knox and Daviess Counties, Indiana:

I would like to know what was this building originally?

And I found this great shot of the Post Office by one Cade Overton. This young man has some fantastic photography on his site. Check him out!

Finaly, I am not saying if this was seen in Indiana or not, but it could have been!


CADE OVERTON: 66: Austin, Texas. April 2012. One day, one roll of film. It's almost like you knew it was almost all o...